Art Sedrakyan, MD, PhD
Professor, Weill Cornell Medicine
Director, Institute for Health Technologies and Interventions
Co-Editor-In-Chief, BMJ Surgery, Interventions & Health Technologies
Art Sedrakyan, MD, PhD is a tenured professor at Weill Cornell Medicine and directs the Institute for Health Technologies and Interventions. The institute is the academic home of the Medical Device Epidemiology Network’s (MDEpiNet) Coordinating, Science and Infrastructure Center. Dr. Sedrakyan directs the Center and is the initiator (with FDA) of major national and international coordinated registry networks (CRN) that form the backbone of MDEpiNet along with many public-private partnerships. He is a trained CT surgeon and a graduate of Johns Hopkins University with Ph.D in Health Policy and Management. He was a senior adviser at FDA and had appointments as senior service officer/senior adviser at the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Prior to appointments at DHHS he worked in the United Kingdom as a faculty at Royal College of Surgeons (RCS) of England and London School of Hygiene. He is currently serving as a ranking member and was previously the Vice-Chair of Medicare Evidence Development & Coverage Advisory Committee (MEDCAC). He is the Vice-Chair of the IDEAL initiative with leadership area in devices. Since January 2017 he is serving as a specialist advisor for Australian Therapeutic Good Administration (TGA) and Honorary Professor at UNSW Big Data Centre where he helped establish Australian MDEpiNet Center. Since May 2019 he is serving as a Co-Editor-In-Chief the ‘BMJ Surgery, Interventions &Health Technologies’ (BMJ-SIT)