Time & Location
Sep 13, 2018, 12:00 PM – Sep 14, 2018, 4:00 PM
Bristol, Bristol, UK
About the Event
IDEAL International Conference 2018
No Innovation Without Evaluation
September 13-14th 2018, MShed, Bristol, UK
Twitter @IDEALCollab #IDEAL2018
- Learn about the latest developments in scientific methodology for assessing and evaluating new surgeries and medical devices
- Hear internationally renowned surgical researchers discussing innovation and evaluation in multiple clinical areas
- Present your research on innovations in surgery and therapeutic technology to an international audience of clinicians, scientists, innovators, regulators, journal editors and policy-makers
- Learn about IDEAL pathways for innovation in surgery and international perspectives on regulation
- Learn about new exciting research projects in this field
- IDEAL as EBM framework in surgery, device innovation and interventional care
Peter McCulloch, Nuffield Department of Surgical Sciences, University of Oxford
Art Sedrakyan, MD, PHD. Weill Cornell Medical College, New York; Vice Chair of IDEAL initiative; Lead of the MDEpiNet Science and Infrastructure Center and International Committee and Stakeholder Council Member.
Click here for more information on MDEpiNET.
IDEAL Collaboration Steering Group: Riaz Agha, London, UK; Doug Altman, Oxford, UK; Jeffrey Barkun, Montreal, Canada; Bruce Campbell, London, UK; Jonathan Cook, Aberdeen, UK; Philipp Dahm, Minneapolis, USA; Patrick Ergina, Montreal, Canada; Paul Glasziou, Brisbane, Australia; Muir Gray, Oxford, UK; Carl Heneghan, Oxford, UK; Sally Hopewell, Oxford, UK; Sean Kehoe, Birmingham, UK; Guy Maddern, Adelaide, Australia; Bill Summerskill, London, UK.
IDEAL is a development of Evidence Based Surgery which aims to provide practical solutions to the real-world challenges of promoting innovation and evaluation in modern surgery and other complex and invasive therapeutic devices and procedures. The third IDEAL international conference will be held in collaboration with the Bristol Biomedical Research Centre and the MRC Trials Methodology Hub in Bristol. It will be held over 2 days (13th and 14th September 2018) in Bristol, to celebrate the latest work of the IDEAL collaboration and to focus on the most pressing issues in surgical/interventional care in various clinical areas. Aimed at surgeons, triallists, methodologists, regulators and researchers interested in the evaluation of surgical innovation and its practical, regulatory and ethical challenges, the conference will showcase a number of high profile case studies and bring together a wide variety of perspectives.
Plenary lectures will be given by outstanding experts in the field, including Professor Carl Heneghan, University of Oxford; Professor Chris Witty, Chief Scientific Advisor for the Department of Health and Social Care; Professor Wendy Rogers, Macquarie University Australia, and Professor Sir Michael Rawlins, Chair of the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. These will be intermixed with parallel educational sessions plus highly interactive opportunities for surgeons and scientists to explore pathways towards safe introduction of new surgical devices and procedures, and to present their own innovative work.
Registration is now open, with early registration discount available until Saturday, 30th June 2018. Registration fees include breakfast and lunch each day of the conference. Delegates may opt to attend a conference dinner for an additional fee. For further information, contact: csr-bristol@bristol.ac.uk, visit the conference website or visit www.ideal-collaboration.net.
Abstract submission is now open! CLICK HERE to access the submission system, to view the full list of abstract categories, and to submit an abstract for oral presentation or for a sandpit session developing new ideas. The submission deadline is Friday, 29th June, 2018. Abstracts will be accepted in all types of surgical innovation, including IDEAL primary studies, trials, registries, methodology, regulation and healthcare policy (hospital audit and quality improvement studies will not be considered).
Click here for the conference agenda.
IDEAL background readings:
- No Surgical Innovation Without Evaluation: Evolution and Further Development of the IDEAL Framework and Recommendations. Hirst et al, 2018. Ann Surg.
- No surgical innovation without evaluation: the IDEAL recommendations. McCulloch et al, 2009. Lancet.
- Practical Guide to the Idea, Development and Exploration stages of the IDEAL Framework and Recommendations. Pennell et al, 2016. Br J Surg.